Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Puff Puff Give!!!!!

Former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta opined, rather toungue and cheek, on This Week" with George Stephanopoulos that maybe the federal government should legaize and tax Marijuana to pay for Obama's Health Care Plan.

How can you effectively tax something I can grow myself?

They propose to possibly make it legal to have as long as you buy it from Uncle Sugar, but illegal if you grow a plant on your own property, maybe a 5x5 plot, for your own consumption.

Most people with a brain and any initiative, will see the folly of it all and grow their own.

Potheads and initiative don't always mix, so it probably will work due to the complacency of the zippys stomping terra in America today.

Homegrown is alright with me....Homegrown is the way it should be....plant that bell and let it ring!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Long Time, No Blog!

I'm back after a long hiatus. Touring the sub-continent, dealing with earthquakes and tsunamis and such, can be awfully stressful. I do promise to make a concerted effort and try to post my thoughts and irrationalities more often. What the fuck? I can't dance!