Friday, September 17, 2010

25 Years Later............

How time flies! It was 25 years ago to the very day that I enlisted, and left to serve my country in the U.S. Army. I was a young man of 18 years with his whole life in front of him. I am extremely proud of my service, and as anything else in life, as time drifts on, you tend to remember the good times more so than the rough ones, in which there were plenty, as any former Paratrooper can attest.

As I look back today, I am fortunate to have spent my time in the service outside of combat zones, albeit our jump into Honduras in March of 1988 was a fully combat ready assault that amounted to no more than President Reagan flexing his muscles to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. We were salty. We were ready.

In closing, I want to remember the comrades and brothers in arms that were less fortunate than me and paid the ultimate price at places like Mosul, Kandahar, Baghdad and Kosovo. Your sacrifice and your kinship resonate through my very being everyday of my life. You are not forgotten.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Puff Puff Give!!!!!

Former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta opined, rather toungue and cheek, on This Week" with George Stephanopoulos that maybe the federal government should legaize and tax Marijuana to pay for Obama's Health Care Plan.

How can you effectively tax something I can grow myself?

They propose to possibly make it legal to have as long as you buy it from Uncle Sugar, but illegal if you grow a plant on your own property, maybe a 5x5 plot, for your own consumption.

Most people with a brain and any initiative, will see the folly of it all and grow their own.

Potheads and initiative don't always mix, so it probably will work due to the complacency of the zippys stomping terra in America today.

Homegrown is alright with me....Homegrown is the way it should be....plant that bell and let it ring!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Long Time, No Blog!

I'm back after a long hiatus. Touring the sub-continent, dealing with earthquakes and tsunamis and such, can be awfully stressful. I do promise to make a concerted effort and try to post my thoughts and irrationalities more often. What the fuck? I can't dance!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Beside the fact he is a fellow Charlestonian, he makes the most sense in this murky group assembled for our approval. I'm backing him and so should you.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall Has Fallen

Comfortable temperatures, brilliant blue skies, hellllllloooooo fall. This had to be the hottest summer in the history of summers. Good riddance!!! Besides, this is the time of year the tourons (Tourist-Morons) go back to Ohio, Kentucky or wherever those non-driving assholes reside. We get our roads, beaches, and golf courses back and guess what? We don't miss their $$$ like we used to. The Grand Strand is becoming more self reliant as each year passes. Once we get an industrious tax base in our area we will be even closer to reclaiming our home from the tourists. Until then we will be slaves to the vacation crowd. Only 150 days until Spring Break!!! Enjoy the solitude while the "Coast is Clear."

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I suffer from Diverticulitus and have been hospitalized 3 times since the first of April. Every colonoscopy that has been scheduled for me, has been interrupted by another infection, hence putting off my surgery. I just missed this last chance by a measly 5 fucking days. I'm in pain both physically and mentally. The company I work for has been spectacular through this, but Christ Almighty, enough is enough. Just allow another flare up to stay away so I can have a colonoscopy and then surgery to remove the diseased portion of my Large Intestine. Am I asking to much? It's not like I'm asking for World Peace or the Cubs to win the Series. (Both which I hope to live to see in my Lifetime)